Monday, September 23, 2013

Impressions of Kuala Lumpur

It has been over 30 years since I was in Malaysia and the country is clearing thriving, if the airport is any indicator.  The airport seems to be a place where shopping takes priority over just about anything else, including efficient passageways...getting from the gate to the baggage claim required running a slalom through pricey kiosks and high end boutiques.

Malaysia is a muslim country, and most of the malaysian women cover their hair, but the black burka is rarely seen.  Here, the long skirts and headscarves are as brightly colored as the plumage of a tropical bird.  In contrast to the homogenous crowd in Taipei airport, Kuala Lumpur airport is a tossed salad of ethnicities...Malaysian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian/Pakistani, and a very few Caucasians.  Although I can't see it myself, I am sure my hair color stands out in this crowd from a distance.

Malaysia is quite conservative, it would appear, about certain things.  I was passing time reading the New York times and clicked on an article about Pope Francis' recent speech.  The article was blocked because it included the word "sex".  Interesting.

It has been a long day...shuttle to the airport at 9 pm, leave Seattle at 2 a.m., arrive Taipei 12 hours later, 4 hour layover, 4 hour flight to Kuala Lumpur, another 4 hour layover, and a 1 hr flight to Langkawi.  Fortunately I will be arriving there at dinner time, so it won't be long before I can get a good night of sleep!