Friday, May 11, 2012

Final Preparations

Alice is clearly on the mend, and she learned that she had been exposed to salmonella – 15-20 other people were also sickened and some were still in the hospital a week later.  We are so relieved that she is recovering.  Sobering experience from a potluck!

Tuesday, Anne and I made a run to Costco and three other stores to make final provisions.  The lockers are bulging and the boat is sitting low in the water and we’ve only got to top off the water tanks and take on some fresh eggs and produce.

Lockers stuffed to bulging ad labelled
Today we did a shakedown sail, testing the new Strong Track for the main, putting in all the reefs and putting up the staysail.  Made note of a few last adjustments, but basically all looked ready to go.
Skipper Alice at the helm

And then there were the spinner dolphins – at least 15-20 playing in our bow wave.  Many of them were mothers with their calves, who dashed off from Mama’s side from time to time to leap from the water (“look, Ma, no fins!!!”) or to race across our bow, returning quickly to mama’s side.  We are taking their appearance as a good omen – a well-wishing party from the dolphins to coincide with the send-offs from friends on shore.

This will be my last post until we reach the Marshalls or the Solomons in 4-6 weeks.  However, you can follow our blog at  We will not be posting pictures until we reach port, but we will try to post an update daily.  You can also see the breadcrumbs of our track.